Generated: 07/02/2024 04:46.33
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
Community Science and Data Center
Gemini Observatory
Kitt Peak National Observatory
Vera C. Rubin Observatory
Proposal Statistics by Telescope
NOIRLab 2024B

The following tables list NOIRLab 2024B observing request statistics for resources in the US ground-based observing system coordinated by NOIRLab. Only proposals submitted to the NOIRLab 2024B TAC are included here.

Cerro Tololo
Telescope Proposals Nights Requested Average Requested Total Nights Allocated Nights Prev. Allocated Nights Allocated (new requests) Subscription Rate (new requests)
Blanco CT-4m 27 110.97 4.11 97.87 13.50 84.37 1.32
CT-1.5m 7 29.37 4.20 29.87 0.50 29.37 1.00
SOAR 39 77.34 1.98 29.29 3.00 26.29 2.94
Telescope Proposals Nights Requested Average Requested Total Nights Allocated Nights Prev. Allocated Nights Allocated (new requests) Subscription Rate (new requests)
GEM-N 143 158.56 1.07 52.81 3.18 49.63 3.19
GEM-S 108 106.80 0.92 55.94 3.38 52.56 2.03
Kitt Peak
Telescope Proposals Nights Requested Average Requested Total Nights Allocated Nights Prev. Allocated Nights Allocated (new requests) Subscription Rate (new requests)
WIYN 40 76.94 1.92 46.92 3.70 43.22 1.78
Las Campanas Observatory
Telescope Proposals Nights Requested Average Requested Total Nights Allocated Nights Prev. Allocated Nights Allocated (new requests) Subscription Rate (new requests)
Baade (Magellan I) 3 5.00 1.67 3.00 0.00 3.00 1.67
Clay (Magellan II) 2 1.50 0.75 1.50 0.00 1.50 1.00
Las Cumbres Observatory
Telescope Proposals Nights Requested Average Requested Total Nights Allocated Nights Prev. Allocated Nights Allocated (new requests) Subscription Rate (new requests)
LCOGT-1m 21 97.80 4.66 62.50 0.00 62.50 1.56
LCOGT-2M 8 20.40 2.55 10.00 0.00 10.00 2.04
Mount Kent Observatory
Telescope Proposals Nights Requested Average Requested Total Nights Allocated Nights Prev. Allocated Nights Allocated (new requests) Subscription Rate (new requests)
MINERVA-A 3 25.20 8.40 15.00 0.00 15.00 1.68
MT. Wilson, CA
Telescope Proposals Nights Requested Average Requested Total Nights Allocated Nights Prev. Allocated Nights Allocated (new requests) Subscription Rate (new requests)
CHARA 27 102.10 3.78 50.50 4.00 46.50 2.20
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Telescope Proposals Nights Requested Average Requested Total Nights Allocated Nights Prev. Allocated Nights Allocated (new requests) Subscription Rate (new requests)
Subaru 4 6.00 1.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 6.00
W.M. Keck Observatory
Telescope Proposals Nights Requested Average Requested Total Nights Allocated Nights Prev. Allocated Nights Allocated (new requests) Subscription Rate (new requests)
Keck-I 10 10.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.33
Keck-II 9 9.50 1.06 2.00 0.00 2.00 4.75